
Lazarus began in 2001 as Trevor Montgomery's post-Tarentel solo project, a pilgrimage of either insanity or freedom – or both. Songs For an Unborn Sun was his first release, a minimal and emotional collaboration with longtime friend, Marty Anderson (Okay, Dilute). His second release, Like Trees We Grow up to be Satellites (The Backwards America), punched through the whispering darkness into an orchestral declaration of strength, political upheaval, and hope. Recorded by Scott Solter (Okkervil River, The Mountain Goats), it was a playful and rich approach at expressing both failures and fortunes of life. Lazarus then expanded into a small ensemble, featuring Sacramento natives Kathryn Sechrist and Kelly Nyland, exloring overwhelmingly beautiful depths with dense layers of drums, keyboards, acoustic and electric guitars, glockenspiel, and Trevor's shamanistic, gospel-inspired vocals. Through it all, Lazarus has always been a reflection of Montgomery's innermost thoughts – a brilliant, soulful, psychedelic expression of experimental and political grace.