The Books
Thought For Food
Filled with endearing and enduring songs, the Books revisit their wide-eyed beginnings with this remastered Thought For Food, repackaged with all-new artwork and expanded to include lyrics for every song for the first time ever. Carefully and thoughtfully remastered from the original mixes by Nick Zammuto at his new studio outside his home in Vermont, Thought For Food now boasts a warmth and clarity that surprisingly reveals an increased harmonic depth. Having combined and refined their compositional and recording processes over the course of four albums, addressing the technical limitations of these earlier recordings offers the chance to marry the technical, musical and emotional aspects of these songs in a way like never before. To be sure, the differences are subtle, but for a band who have transformed minutiae into modern art, that subtlety is downright sublime.
TRACK LISTING1. Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again
2. Read, Eat, Sleep
3. All Bad Ends All
4. Contempt
5. All Our Base Are Belong To Them
6. Thankyoubranch
7. Motherless Bastard
8. Mikey Bass
9. Excess Straussess
10. Getting The Done Job
11. A Dead Fish Gains The Power of Observation
12. Deafkids